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A Sister's First Impression: Blanch DuBelly

I recently posted an image online which prompted some disbelief among the viewers. The image is of a child's face impression on her mother's pregnant belly. Some were confused/disgusted and thought that somehow I had superimposed the face of the soon-to-be on the mother's belly. The explanation is much more simple than that.

So, when the skin is pressed, it turns white for a moment. My first search on the internet states that, "When you press on the skin, you force the blood out of the capillaries and the skin turns white. This is called blanching. When skin is blanched, it takes on a whitish appearance as blood flow to the region is prevented." After having the mother's daughter press her hands on the belly, I thought that it might be interesting to see the results of her face on the belly. Two or 3 exposures later, we had the posted image. Once the image was taken into Photoshop, it was converted to black and white (via Nik's Silver Efex filter), and that contrast was adjusted. That is to say, nothing was added to the final image. I have included the original file to show the difference.



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