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Coffee Six Ways

So, I making coffee this morning, and as I was knocking the coffee puck into the knockbox, I realized that I had been overlooking these little guys as models. My wife asked with a suspicious tone what I was doing. She soon rolled her she understood. I quickly found my coffee toppings, and was off to the races. I went with (from bottom to top) natural, Italian spices, cinnamon, smoked paprika, blue sugar sprinkles, and........non-pareils..."small multi-colored decorettes." The kitchen had a unique odor for a few minutes. I went with an earthy tile as our counter surface (I only have two tile surfaces), and tossed in an espresso (no "x" in espresso) cup and a spoon at the last second. I was too lazy to pull out the smoke machine for steam, and found that my can of smoke......well, you can imagine how well a can of aerosol smoke works in tight quarters. I finally decided to light and blow out a piece of paper in the cup for the desired effect. For the record, that was the first time, and that plume has not been touched in post. For the lighting, there is a strip box directly above, and a softbox just left of camera. Voila!!!! Thanks for taking a look!!!

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